Every click and pixel – How AI can supercharge your digital marketing

From automating mundane tasks to creating hyper-personalised experiences, AI is leaving a mark on every pixel and click. But what does this mean for the future of digital marketing, and how can digital marketers, content creators and creative designers, leverage this evolving technology responsibly? The canvas of possibilities with AI is constantly expanding. Imagine waving …

How to get your CEO and CFO excited about Customer Experience

Experience management leaders need to go beyond offering simple ROI and financial metrics to justify and validate the value of their customer and employee experience initiatives. They need to convince senior executives and other stakeholders in the organisation of why CX should be a strategic priority.  There are numerous articles and reports available that tell …

Don’t forget the EX in pursuit of the CX

Giving employees collaboration tools via the cloud and unified communications (UC) to create better customer experiences (among other critical objectives) is smart business … and Australian business leaders know it. Employees are being given access to tools from anywhere via any device, to encourage collaboration and productivity across an organisation’s communications network, be that between …