NPS and CSAT do not measure customer happiness

Customer happiness and customer retention are closely intertwined. NPS and CSAT are two of the most important CX metrics we use to assess what customers think about our organisations. Unfortunately, neither, on their own, allows brands to be truly objective in their understanding about customer happiness. The difference between happiness and satisfaction A dissatisfied customer …

Don’t poke the bear! Why many executives are afraid of talking to customers

In terms of customer service, most companies tend to be reactive. This tendency stems from fear. Many executives I’ve met have demonstrated fear when it comes to proactively contacting customers. They are afraid that if they poke the bear, they will encourage the customer to re-think the entire relationship and ultimately leave. This fear can …

The value of happy customers

Happy customers are cheaper to service, less price sensitive and less likely to churn. Customer happiness goes beyond customer satisfaction by creating an emotional connection with a brand’s products and services. The challenge lies in understanding what makes customers happy and how much value this brings to the business. Most organisations have developed extensive surveys …

How AI can make you smarter!

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is currently reshaping the customer experience. It is being used in a range of contexts to provide intelligent, convenient and informed customer service. AI’s biggest opportunity, however, is in terms of customer data and analytics. It can make you a lot smarter about what’s happening with your business and customers AI enabled …

Customer churn is too painful to ignore

Customer churn is costing business billions per year. In Australia, businesses lose on average between 6-8 percent of their customers each year. Utilities and telecommunications sectors take the biggest beating with losses of between 20-25 percent. Unfortunately most business leaders believe there is little they can do to rectify the problem. How much does customer …