home News SugarCRM Launches SugarPredict

SugarCRM Launches SugarPredict

SugarCRM has launched SugarPredict – a new, easy to implement AI tool to overcome the inaccuracies and inconsistencies typically found in CRM data.   The quality and consistency of the data entered by CRM users can create challenges for basic AI systems. SugarPredict takes a different approach by enriching customer data with additional attributes that results in more comprehensive and consistent AI models. SugarPredict provides accurate predictions, even with limited first-party data, while diligently guarding the privacy and security of company and customer information.

“AI can solve a number of sales and marketing barriers today, putting it at the heart of CRM,” said Paul Greenberg, president of the 56 Group and author of CRM at the Speed of Light. “Sales teams that lean into AI-powered CRM can take advantage of the lead insights and opportunity models that give them a significant competitive advantage.” 

As the first of many SugarPredict-powered capabilities in Sugar Sell, SugarPredict analyses historical account, deal, and company data to accurately predict which leads are most likely to become customers. Lead scoring is based on similarity to historical conversions (converted leads or closed-won opportunities), while ideal customer profile matching identifies leads that are similar to a company’s past and current customer bases.

Mark Atterby

Mark Atterby has 18 years media, publishing and content marketing experience.

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