home Customer Experience Strong growth for Call centre software in Asia-Pacific, according to Frost & Sullivan

Strong growth for Call centre software in Asia-Pacific, according to Frost & Sullivan

The contact centre software market in Asia-Pacific is expected to reach just under US$1 billion in the next five years.

According to analysis from Frost & Sullivan, the growth was driven by COVID-19, which saw an accelerated rate of migration from on-premise solutions to cloud-based services as workforces moved to remote work.

The market of both on-prem and cloud applications is expected to grow from US$719.5 million this year to US$966.5 million by 2026 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3 percent.

“From an application perspective, inbound contact routing (ICR) will continue to dominate the application market throughout the forecast period, whereas analytics will witness the strongest growth as contact centers will consider it a service differentiator,” Frost & Sullivan ICT research analyst Arpan Bid said.

Mark Atterby

Mark Atterby has 18 years media, publishing and content marketing experience.

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